How do you make coffee in a cafetière or French Press?

Our brew guide will give you a full-bodied cup of coffee using a French press. 

To get the most out of your freshly roasted coffee, we recommend a good burr grinder or freshly ground from us, a scale, a timer and clean, filtered water heated to 92-95C.  

  1. Use 65 grams of coffee per litre of water 
  1. Use a coarse setting if grinding your coffee
  1. Start a timer for 4 minutes and pour the water over the coffee. Make sure that all the coffee is wet - you may want to use a spoon to stir it. 

Top tip : the Lid and filter should be left off for gases to escape while the coffee brews  

  1. After 4 minutes, break through the crust of coffee on top and the coffee will fall to the bottom. Remove the big particles and foam floating on top with a spoon 
  1. Let the coffee sit for half a minute so all the small particles sink to the bottom. Put on the lid and press the handle down 

Finally, let the coffee cool a little before enjoying!  

Top French Press tip | Select a single origin coffee in a cafetiere or French press to highlight the taste notes. 

Watch: How to brew a cafetiere 


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